Hard to believe that my trip to Atlanta has been over a month ago. But I am finally coming up for air, and wanted to tell you all about this fabulous event. I was honored and humbled to be asked to be a presenter for an exclusive "Event Planners Private Event" hosted by the very talented stylist Kori Smith, owner of
SKS (Stylist Kori Smith.) Kori partnered with a local event planner,Janice Blackmon and they co-hosted this event. Janice was so lovely and organized! From one planner to another planner she ROCKED!
Here I am with Kori & Janice

This event was all about pampering event planners for the evening, and showcasing makeovers. Along, that line Kori asked if I would speak to the group about "making over my business, and becoming and event stylist." (here is a
link to Kori's recap)The event was held at the gorgeous
Villa Christina.
Kori is a very very talented makeup and hair stylist, and I am proud to call her a friend! Here she is working her magic on one of the ladies selected for a mini 15 minute makeover.

Here are some pictures of me presenting.. Speaking for 30 minutes can often seem scary, but the crowd was phenominal, and packed with talented event planners/designer, etc. I had so much fun sharing my experiences with them. Everyone in that room epitomized southern hospitality!

The crowd was having fun during a short exercise I asked them to do.

My right hand and Lead Event Planner Sarah went with me. We had a great time, and I just had to share this adorable picture of us in which we are actually out of our black suit "uniform".

The decor was goregous, from the linens, to the floral, to the cake! It was such a wonderful event, and I had so much fun.

These are actually cakes!

We were treated to schwag bags full of hair and body products! What girl doesn't love products?

The attendees also had the great pleasure of being entertained by the talented Soulphonics & Ruby Velle. (here is a
snip from the internet of their sound) Holy cow are they great..soul at it's best. Ruby was so stunning in her sapphire blue dress.

Thank you Kori, Janice, and everyone else! Sarah and I had a wonderful time in Atlanta and met so many wonderful people.
All of these fantabulous images are courtesy of the very talented
In The Moment Photographs